Jots is a collection of bits from inspiring pieces.

People under time pressure don’t work better—they just work faster.

Jot 6 : Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister in Peopleware, Productive Projects and Teams, Third Edition, p. 18, Addison-Wesley, 2013.
Jotted on the 26th of Mar 2016, at 13:00.

Clutter is the official language used by corporations to hide their mistakes.

Jot 5 : William Zinsser in On Writing Well, The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction, 30th Anniversary Edition, p. 20, Harper Collins, 2006.
Jotted on the 26th of Mar 2016, at 13:00.

Best I can tell, getting fired and dying are one of the few burdens that are yours and yours alone.

Jot 4 : Zach Holman in Firing People, from
Jotted on the 24th of Mar 2016, at 13:00.

[…] More than 120 takes. Those kind of scenes, you say “Oh, Jackie’s good.” It’s not good. You can do it. Except do you have the patience or not?

Jot 3 : Jackie Chan, Tony Zhou in Jackie Chan — How to Do Action Comedy, from Every Frame a Painting.
Jotted on the 12th of Mar 2016, at 13:00.

[…] a claim to be pragmatic is implicitly an accusation that says that whoever disagrees is dogmatic […].

Jot 2 : Einar W. Høst in Pragmatism Is Poison, from Ample Code.
Jotted on the 12th of Mar 2016, at 13:00.

The dysfunction in the organization became the dysfunction in the product, and that was passed on to the customers.

Jot 1 : Jon Kolko in Dysfunctional Products Come from Dysfunctional Organizations, from Harward Business Review.
Jotted on the 12th of Mar 2016, at 13:00.