Jots is a collection of bits from inspiring pieces.

Start early. […] Talk preparation will expand to fill all available time. […] It will take a lot of time to do your talk, way more than you think.

Jot 54 : Zach Holman in The Talk on Talks, from BACON: things developers love.
Jotted on the 2nd of Apr 2017, at 15:20.

One method that I use for characterizing the relative size of development tasks is a variation of the tee-shirt sizing method. Each task is given a relative size corresponding to five tee-shirt sizes […] XS: Half day or less S: Half day to one day M: Two to three days L: One week XL: One to two weeks.

Jotted on the 27th of Mar 2017, at 12:30.

Even in my tiny design practice, every decision I make is shaped by my biases; every decision I make is capable of harm. And it’s so, so easy to forget this […] I occasionally forget to ask myself who’ll be impacted by my work and, most importantly, to ask how I can mitigate that harm.

Jot 52 : Ethan Marcotte in The bricks we lay., from Ethan Marcotte’s Site.
Jotted on the 19th of Mar 2017, at 00:45.

[…] people that have names that websites and computers don’t seem to like—for example, we spoke to a guy named William Test, and a woman named Katie Test, both of whom can’t seem to keep a hotel or airplane booking because the name “test” is flagged by internal systems.

Jot 51 : Chris Coyier in People’s Names That Break Websites, from CSS-Tricks.
Jotted on the 16th of Mar 2017, at 10:50.

[…] and writing three things that are most important and really should happen that day on a Post-It Note, then sticking it to the back of my phone.

Jotted on the 16th of Mar 2017, at 10:40.

La gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi.

Jot 49 : Unknown Author in La gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi, from Wiktionary.
Jotted on the 15th of Mar 2017, at 19:10.

Today, we are all cyborgs. This is not to say that we implant ourselves with technology but that we extend our biological capabilities using technology. We are sharded beings; with parts of our selves spread across and augmented by our everyday things.

Jot 48 : Aral Balkan in The nature of the self in the digital age, from Aral Balkan.
Jotted on the 13th of Mar 2017, at 21:40.

Use multiples of 8 to define dimensions, padding, and margin of both block and inline elements.

Jot 47 : Bryn Jackson in Specifics 001: The 8-Point Grid, from Spec.
Jotted on the 13th of Mar 2017, at 16:30.

All frameworks are opinionated. This is not an issue if you don’t have a strong opinion or if yours is the same as the frameworks. But sometimes you do have strong opinions.

Jot 46 : Belén Albeza in You might not need a CSS framework, from Mozilla Hacks.
Jotted on the 3rd of Mar 2017, at 15:55.

And if you think about that even further, this “cycle of redesign” makes design less valuable. In other words, if design is only valuable when new, it isn’t very valuable in the first place.

Jot 45 : Jarrod Drysdale in Long-Term Design: Rewriting the Design Sales Pitch, from A List Apart.
Jotted on the 3rd of Mar 2017, at 13:20.

If your app gets too complex, think about unbundling. Look at what Facebook did with Messenger. They broke out functionality around key actions and put it in their own separate app.

Jot 44 : Levi Kovacs in Great Alternatives to Hamburger Menus, from Mobiscroll’s Blog.
Jotted on the 27th of Feb 2017, at 10:55.

Thanks for your email. I’m very interested indeed. I have nothing against an interview. However, there is one condition: I have to be interviewed by the person I will be working for. By my future direct manager.

Jot 43 : Yegor Bugayenko in Why I Don’t Talk to Google Recruiters, from Yegor Bugayenko’s Site.
Jotted on the 22nd of Feb 2017, at 10:50.

I think copywork is subject to diminishing returns—so, no, you don’t have to copy perfectly. But (and this is important) you can’t copy it worse than the original. You have to achieve something that you view as equal or better, even if the details don’t totally line up.

Jotted on the 16th of Feb 2017, at 23:30.

To be effective, I believe designers should be spending around 50–60% of their time on a single (but big and impactful) project in order to really focus on it. With too many projects, you’ll be rushing your process, and likely making incremental progress in 50 different directions.

Jot 41 : Matt Bond in Avoiding burn out at a tech company, from UXDESIGN.CC.
Jotted on the 13th of Feb 2017, at 00:50.

But I also didn’t have too much time. I couldn’t afford to overthink things or get caught up in urgent but less important issues, the way I often did on normal workdays. And the people I needed to help me—engineers and product managers—were also focused on the project.

Jotted on the 25th of Jan 2017, at 13:40.

If you can’t stick with your idea long enough to do some research and run some experiments, why should anyone else?

Jot 39 : Janice Gervais in Guerrilla Innovation, from A List Apart.
Jotted on the 18th of Jan 2017, at 11:15.

Being able to stop someone and say “hey, what does that mean?” is a super important skill.

Jot 38 : Julia Evans in How to ask good questions, from Julia Evans’s Site.
Jotted on the 14th of Jan 2017, at 10:25.

[…] we would create folklore and write songs and tell stories about these “ray cats,” the moral being that when you see these cats change colors, run far, far away.

Jot 37 : 99pi in Ten Thousand Years, from 99% Invisible.
Jotted on the 6th of Jan 2017, at 00:25.

“They sure do look nicer to old people like you and me, but frankly do they actually add any magical semantic value to a given text? Not really.”

Jot 36 : Glenn Fleishman in Has the Internet Killed Curly Quotes?, from The Atlantic.
Jotted on the 4th of Jan 2017, at 18:30.

However, after the Trespasser experience it has become clear that just as there are no successful anarchic world governments there can not be any successful development teams without management.

Jot 35 : Richard Wyckoff in Postmortem: DreamWorks Interactive’s Trespasser, from Gamasutra.
Jotted on the 24th of Nov 2016, at 01:35.

Q: Trespasser is unfortunately known for not bringing in the sales it deserved. If you could change one thing about the production what would you do differently?

A: I would have assigned the 25-year-old Seamus a strong producer, who would have bullied him to restrict the scope of innovation to something manageable.

Jot 34 : Fabien Sanglard in Jurassic Park: Trespasser CG Source Code Review, from Fabien Sanglard’s Website.
Jotted on the 23rd of Nov 2016, at 00:35.

Gall’s Fundamental Theorem of Systems is that new systems mean new problems. I think the same can safely be said of code—more code, more problems. Do it without a new system if you can.

Jot 33 : Tyler Treat in You Are Not Paid to Write Code, from Brave New Geek.
Jotted on the 19th of Nov 2016, at 18:50.

I want you to know that no matter how invested, how entrenched, how indispensible you might feel within the tech industry, it chews people up and spits them out every day.

Jot 32 : Garann Means in wish you would step back from that ledge my friend, from totes profesh.
Jotted on the 18th of Nov 2016, at 23:50.

I prefer the fixed-gutter approach instead. One of the things I learned from typography was the importance of ensuring whitespace remain consistent. This leads me to believe that gutters, which are whitespaces that separate columns of content, should be kept the same.

Jot 31 : Zell Liew in Designing Grids, from Zell Liew’s Blog.
Jotted on the 20th of Oct 2016, at 12:00.

You can’t get comfortable if you want to work with JavaScript but you don’t have to know everything.

Jot 30 : Rey Bango in You Can’t Get Comfortable in Web Development, from Rey Bango’s Blog.
Jotted on the 17th of Oct 2016, at 13:20.

[…] be careful with humor because it may not always be appropriate to use in your error message; it really depends on the severity of the error.

Jot 29 : Nick Babich in How To Design Error States For Mobile Apps, from Smashing Magazine.
Jotted on the 22nd of Sep 2016, at 12:20.

[…] and I have never really understood that. You know, to me that’s not what success is about. To me the success is about making great watches, really great watches.

Jot 28 : Arthur Touchot, Will Holloway, Mauro Bellanova in The Road Through Britain: Roger W. Smith, from Vimeo.
Jotted on the 21st of Sep 2016, at 13:45.

Web animation can be so much more than just decoration, but only if we make it part of our design process. It can’t be a meaningful addition to the user experience if you don’t include it in the early conversations that define that experience.

Jot 27 : Mica McPheeters, Caren Litherland in Designing Interface Animation: an Interview with Val Head, from A List Apart.
Jotted on the 19th of Sep 2016, at 12:25.

For existing projects that already use animation, you can start with a motion audit to find all the instances and ways you’re currently using animation.

Jot 26 : Val Head in Designing Interface Animation, from A List Apart.
Jotted on the 19th of Sep 2016, at 12:20.

If you’re embarking on a new feature primarily because you’ve seen a competitor release something similar, then you probably haven’t thoroughly considered or even identified the problem you’re trying to solve.

Jot 25 : James Gill in How Bad Features Are Born, from GoSquared.
Jotted on the 2nd of Sep 2016, at 12:00.

[…] certain pieces too easily fall into favor and repeated use. They quickly become fix tropes of a specific mood or environment, so much so that eventually there is no room for mobility and experimentation.

Jotted on the 30th of Aug 2016, at 23:30.

[…] You’ll be asked to design things counter to goals. You’ll be asked to design according to whims. All those things will fail. And those failures will be on you. As a designer it’s on you to do the job to the best of your ability. Learn how to protect yourself by saying no.

Jotted on the 22nd of Aug 2016, at 00:30.

[…] You are really good at what you do, and if you stay in the weeds on everything, you’ll keep things going perfectly, for a while. But eventually two things will happen. One, you will burn out. And two, you will eventually start to seriously piss off your team.

Jotted on the 20th of Aug 2016, at 15:00.

Why do products sometimes label things as my stuff, and sometimes label things as your stuff?

Jot 21 : John Saito in Is This My Interface or Yours?, from Medium.
Jotted on the 15th of Aug 2016, at 15:40.

Refactoring is a second chance that most industries don’t get.

Jot 20 : Harry Roberts in Refactoring CSS Without Losing Your Mind, from Speaker Deck.
Jotted on the 13th of Aug 2016, at 12:50.

[…] and I realized that we’d stumbled onto one of the biggest problems in our entire company: we had no idea how to define the role we’re trying to hire for and grow our developers toward.

Jot 19 : Brandon Hays in The Conjoined Triangles of Senior-Level Development, from The Frontside.
Jotted on the 25th of Jul 2016, at 12:20.

A re-invigorated broken employee is a corporation’s most powerful force.

Jot 18 : Shane Rodgers in The Career Advice I Wish I Had at 25, from LinkedIn.
Jotted on the 14th of Jun 2016, at 13:35.

Don’t make your (often shy) natural leaders ask for a promotion—just do it. The icing on the cake for you—as their manager—is the loyalty you’ll receive in return.

Jotted on the 12th of Jun 2016, at 14:00.

The problem is that if animation (and therefore the spatial structure of an interface) is an afterthought, it’s all too easy to create contradictory behaviors.

Jot 16 : Amin Al Hazwani, Tobias Bernard in Motion with Meaning: Semantic Animation in Interface Design, from A List Apart.
Jotted on the 22nd of May 2016, at 14:00.

[…] the worst possible work environment is one in which visual designers are permitted actual autonomy over their domain.

Jot 15 : Eli Schiff in Instagram’s Abomination Part I, from Eli Schiff’s Blog.
Jotted on the 19th of May 2016, at 14:00.

Although handoffs are difficult to avoid completely, the more they happen the dumber an organization gets resulting in failure. Individuals who are are handed off work take longer to get up to speed through (relearning) and crucial knowledge is lost.

Jot 14 : Paul Hepworth in Succeeding by Eliminating the Smells of Waste, from UserTesting Engineering.
Jotted on the 8th of May 2016, at 14:00.

One day, you won’t buy a movie. You’ll buy the right to watch a movie, and that movie will be served to you. If the companies serving the movie don’t want you to see it, or they want to change something, they will have the power to do so.

Jot 13 : James Pinkstone in Apple Stole My Music. No, Seriously., from Vellum.
Jotted on the 7th of May 2016, at 14:00.

You set the expectation that you’ll be making recommendations, not taking orders. You made it clear that you’ll be discussing and agreeing on ideas before anything gets refined.

Jot 12 : Robert Hoekman Jr in How To Take Charge Of A UX Kickoff Meeting, from Smashing Magazine.
Jotted on the 24th of Apr 2016, at 14:00.

Paradoxically, change only has a chance of succeeding if failure—at least a little bit of failure—is also okay.

Jot 9 : Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister in Peopleware, Productive Projects and Teams, Third Edition, p. 209, Addison-Wesley, 2013.
Jotted on the 23rd of Apr 2016, at 14:00.

Visual design should never be left until the end of the process.

Jot 8 : Kathryn McElroy in Prototyping for Physical and Digital Products, p. 22, O’Reilly Media, 2016.
Jotted on the 23rd of Apr 2016, at 14:00.

The thing is, being connected doesn’t magically enable effective communication.

Jot 11 : Dave Teare in Curing Our Slack Addiction, from Agile Bits, Blog.
Jotted on the 23rd of Apr 2016, at 14:00.

If you are embarking on a rewrite journey, all the power to you, but make sure you do it for the right reasons, understand the risks and plan for it.

Jotted on the 23rd of Apr 2016, at 14:00.

[…] Still, seeing it isn’t the moment of resignation. The moment happened the instant you decided, “What the hell? I haven’t seen Don in months and it’d be good to see him.”

Your shields are officially down.

Jot 7 : Michael Lopp in Shields Down, from Rands in Repose.
Jotted on the 26th of Mar 2016, at 13:00.